Resor hit och dit

28 Dec 2013

St. Clair Winery

Time to visit the local winery here in Deming. It seems they produce very good wines and they have become award-winning multiple times. I've never heard of them, obviously and after some wine tasting of the blends, I went with the dry white. The red was a no no.. 
Next time I may buy a Shiraz

Wine tasting
First time you buy the bottle containing 2,5 liters for $9,80 and the next time, you bring the bottle and pay $6,60 to fill it up.
And they sell other products as well ..


Anonymous said...

Hahaha och där står mitt vinställ :-)
Kram Tessan

Anonymous said...

Jag har inget vinställ vinet bara försvinner här hos mig, trr det är råttorna